
La Biblia Catolica Para Jovenes / The Catholic Youth Bible


Resumen del Libro

La Biblia Cat lica para J venes est dise ada, en su contenido y enfoque, para adolescentes y j venes adultos en Estados Unidos y toda Am rica. Es prima de la Catholic Youth Bible(R), una Biblia muy popular entre adolescentes de habla inglesa. En ella encontrar s: M?s de 850 comentarios y 250 ilustraciones Introducciones breves y amenas Gu as para orar y reflexionar con la Biblia Mapas, esquemas y cuadro cronol gico Vocabulario b blico con datos y explicaciones 8 ndices tem ticos y 8 planes de lectura La Biblia Cat lica para J venes is a cousin of the best-selling Catholic Youth Bible(R). It has similar features, but a distinct personality, with a unique content and approach directed to Latino j venes in all of the Americas. La Biblia Cat lica para J venes features More than 900 commentaries and 300 illustrations Introductions to the major sections and all of the books of the Bible Explanations of Catholic symbols, beliefs, and practices in biblical context Biblical commentaries inspired by different cultures in the Americas Presentations of important biblical characters, presented in their time and culture User friendly thematic biblical vocabulary Lectionary and liturgical calendar 8 thematic indices and 7 reading plans 22 Maps and a full color timeline

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