
Christine Dugan Libros

¿dónde Va Tu Dinero?

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. In this Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, putting together a budget and budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in

De La Pobreza A La Riqueza

In this informative, Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers will learn the ways that people start from almost nothing to become millionaires and billionaires. Through examples of hard work and smart financial decisions, readers gain an understanding of how to invest money responsibly in stocks, commodities, bonds, and mutual funds while also learning the various ways that

Los Huesos

What helps you stand up strong? What keeps you from flopping like a noodle on the floor? What gives your body its shape and protects your heart and brain? It is your bones, of course! Read all about them in this book.

La Exploración Del Espacio

Learn about outer space exploration, from the Hubble telescope to the latest space shuttle launches, in this delightful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Readers will learn about famous astronauts, the history of exploring space, and what the future holds for space exploration through vivid images and photographs, informative text, and intriguing facts. With a glossary and index,