
Christine Dugan Libros

¡hang Ten! Surf (hang Ten! Surfing)

Find out what surfers need to know to have fun and stay safe in the water in this engaging Spanish-translated nonfiction reader! Invite readers to learn about the history of surfing, surfing culture, what equipment is needed, and more through vibrant images and informational text in conjunction with math skills and upper-level features such as

Los Musculos

What makes your body move? What makes your legs and arms move up and down? Muscles do the trick! Read this Spanish-translated book to learn more about your strong muscles and how they work.

¿dónde Va Tu Dinero?

Discover the different ways that people spend, save, and budget their money. Readers are introduced to important personal financial aspects such as savings accounts, budgets, budget analysis, credit and debit cards, and taxes. Through Spanish-translated informational text, vivid photos, and helpful graphs and charts that assist in implementing mathematical skills such as percentages, readers will

¡hang Ten! Surfin (hang Ten! Surfing)

Find out what surfers need to know to have fun and stay safe in the water in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title! Invite readers to learn about the history of surfing, surfing culture, what equipment is needed, and more using vibrant images and informational text in conjunction with math skills and upper-level features such as