Descargar Libro: Wilhelm Hauff Y La Novela Histórica Alemana


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This doctoral thesis intends to make an exhaustive study about the works of the German writer Wilhelm Hauff (1802-1827) and his main work, the historical novel Lichtenstein, as well as answering questions such as the way in which the historical novel sprang in Germany, how it happened in other countries, especially in Great Britain, where the figure of Scottish Walter Scotts highlights, being the one to whom such a revival, precisely in this period, is owed. The genesis of the historical novel is deeply rooted in the history itself of the intersecular period of the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century and it would be entirely impossible to understand the historical novel itself without thoroughly analysing the deep social, political, economical and literary changes that were taking place in Europe in that period, mainly starting from France and Great Britain, but spreading in an unavoidable way all over Europe. The work presented here is subdivided in four great parts: (1) First, analysis of the social changes that took place all over Europe from the French Revolution in 1789, leading to the rising of the bourgeois class. (2) Study of the new literary aesthetics appearing within this historical transformation: a whole changing world, in which its most significant pieces kept tight relations among them, was the framework in which a complex cultural phenomenon in the transition years between 18th and 19th century was developed and that was called Romanticism. Within this new literary aesthetics, we need to stress both the novel development and rising and the appearance of the historical novel as a literary sub-genre. (3) Study of Wilhelm Hauffs works. (4) Last, analysis of the historical novel Lichtenstein and its contribution to the evolution of the novel in Germany.

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