Descargar Libro: When God Asked Women To Wear Pants

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Hardly any discussion in Christianity can become more heated than one surrounding whether proper dress for women includes slacks or pants. Many will be surprised to know that there are inspired counsels in support of such attire, but with clearly defined conditions. To our great detriment and loss, society and most Christians largely ignore these counsels. What does Inspiration tell us is healthful? What is modest? What are the principles we can apply today? By a study of human physiology and the Inspired Counsels, the author draws some interesting, thought-provoking, practical, useful, and challenging observations. Many of the principles derived are applicable also to the clothing of men and children. In all respects the dress should be healthful. ‘Above all things,’ God desires us to ‘be in health’—health of body and of soul. And we are to be workers together with Him for the health of both soul and body. Both are promoted by healthful dress.The Ministry of Healing, 288.