
William C Harvey Libros

Inglés Para Todos Los Días

An informal, educational tool designed to help Spanish-speaking youngsters learn English follows children through a full day from early morning to bedtime, presenting a wide variety of words and phrases in Spanish, English, and with phonetic pronunciation, along with cartoon-style illustrations designed to reinforce vocabulary retention and word meanings. (Education)

Ingles Para Latinos

Previously available only as a book and tape cassette package, Ingl©s para Latinos can now be purchased with three compact discs in place of the two tapes. An informal English-language teaching program for men and women whose first language is Spanish, Ingl©s para Latinos immerses the learner in ordinary everyday situations and conversations as a

Spanish For Educators

An informal self-teaching course in Spanish for teachers and school employees emphasizes the key phrases that arise in educational contexts and when dealing with students and their parents, and introduces basic vocabulary and grammar.