
Victor Montejo Libros

Blanca Flor

Blanca Flor era originalmente una historia tradicional española, que fue adaptada y vuelta a contar en Latinoamérica y en Nuevo México, donde se convirtió en una versión de Blanca Nieves. En Sud América, los criollos contaban una versión más cercana a la original, en la que una joven mujer, Blanca Flor, logra hacer que su

Piedras Labradas

Poems written between 1982-92 by the Guatemalan folklorist after leaving his country for the US. Themes include violence of war, exile, continuity with the past, and love for homeland. Lyrical, direct voice captured skillfully and movingly by translations. En face, no supporting material beyond short biographical paragraph and a few notes –Handbook of Latin American

Las Aventuras De Mister Puttison Entre Los Mayas

This is the first novel by Dr. Montejo, the distinguished Jakaltek Maya writer & scholar, already well known for his El Kanil, Man of Lightning, The Bird who Cleans the World, Testimony: Death of a Guatemalan Village, & other works. Las aventuras de Mister Puttison is a historical & satirical novel whose principal character is