
Stuart J Murphy Libros

Emma Hace Amigos

The adventures of Stuart J. Murphys gang of preschoolers in Spanish. Young readers discover essential life skills that are important for school readiness and daily life. Emma has just moved to a new city where she doesnt know anyone. When she sees a a girl her age next door, she wonders what she can do

Percy Juega Con Cuidado

Spanish readers can now enjoy the adventures of Stuart J. Murphys gang and discover essential life skills that are important for school readiness and daily life. Para que los ni¤os sean m s felices, saludables y seguros de s¡ mismos When Percy plays at the park, hes a monster! Roaring and growling, he climbs up

­bien Hecho, Ajay!

Spanish readers can now enjoy the adventures of Stuart J. Murphys gang and discover essential life skills that are important for school readiness and daily life. Ajay wants to throw a ball straight and far like his big sister, Meera. He tries, but he just cant do it. Then his friends remind Ajay how he