
Silvio Arturo Zavala Libros

Poder Y Lenguaje Desde El Siglo Xvi

Este libro re ne cuatro trabajos de don Silvio Zavala, que giran en torno a uno de los temas m s controvertidos y particulares de la historia de M xico: la castellanizaci n de los ind genas, que a su vez, incide en otro tema no menos controvertido, el de las pol ticas del lenguaje.

El Servicio Personal De Los Indios En La Nueva España

Two more volumes of Zavalas extremely valuable work, organized topically as in the past and offering commentaries, digests, and descriptions of archival documentation, other primary sources, and pertinent secondary works. Each volume also includes documentary appendices, such as material related to the construction of Mexico Citys cathedral (vol. VI, appendix C) and digests of documents

El Servicio Personal De Los Indios En La Nueva España

Two more volumes of Zavalas extremely valuable work, organized topically as in the past and offering commentaries, digests, and descriptions of archival documentation, other primary sources, and pertinent secondary works. Each volume also includes documentary appendices, such as material related to the construction of Mexico Citys cathedral (vol. VI, appendix C) and digests of documents