
Shyam Mehta Libros

Oxford University: Spanish Edition

*why you should avoid dating and marrying Oxford University graduates (and graduates from similar universities across the world). Henceforth, the term Oxford University is short for simply, the worst universities in the world where you will I hope soon recognize what worst means *why the worlds current economic, financial, political, environmental, family life, crime and

Yoga Philosophy And Practice

Hay tres textos sagrados (es decir, que comunican la palabra de Dios) sobre el Yoga: Bhagavad Gita, los Yoga Sutras de Patanjali y el Yoga Hatha Pradipika de Svatmarama. Estos establecen caminos completamente diferentes: amar a Dios, auto conocimiento y salud. En este libro, se muestran los Yoga Sutras en particular como algo muy extraño.

Physics: Spanish Edition

Modern physics is in a mess. More and more incredible theories are propounded about the universe consisting of strings or waves or hyper-dimensional knots or whatever. There is so much nonsense being proposed that one simply cannot believe that the human mind can dream such things. This is a technical book, not designed for the