
Sharon Coan Libros

El Clima Cambiante (changing Weather)

Weather changes from day to day. Through vibrant photographs, this wordless e-Book depicts the many ways in which weather changes. Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, this e-Book focuses on Earths systems, specifically the weather. Students will be excited to learn about the changes in weather and can collaborate together to determine how the

¿qué Hora Es? (what Time Is It?)

Act out this charming story that combines the classic nursery rhymes Hickory Dickory Dock and Wee Willie Winkie ! The six roles in this Spanish-translated script are written at different reading levels, supporting differentiation and English language learner strategies. Teachers can easily implement these strategies by assigning specific roles to their students in a way

Lo Que Puede Hacer El Sol (what The Sun Can Do)

What causes snow to melt? What is a vital part of all living things growth and development? The sun, of course! Through engaging photographs, beginning readers will be able to create a story of their own about what the sun does in this wordless e-Book. Aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, this e-Book covers

Conoce A La Señora Libertad (meet Lady Liberty)

The Statue of Liberty, a gift from France, stands tall in the United States as a symbol of freedom. Explore the characteristics and a brief history of Lady Liberty through stunning images and primary source photographs. Featuring large easy-to-read text, a Your Turn application activity at the end of the book, and helpful text features,