
Rosen Publishing Group Libros

Pk:rrc:apache Indian Comm Spanish

Llegaron al sureste de Arizona provenientes del norte, y vivieron fundamentalmente en las montañas con tranquilidad y armonía. La cultura que los distinguía estaba construída sobre valores y principios de convivencia que hablaban de una perfecta forma de vida grupal. Habían sólidas tradiciones culturales y un profundo sentido religioso y ancestral . La sociedad estaba

Crispus Attucks: Hero Of The Boston Massacre

Crispus Attucks, a former slave, was living in Boston on March 5, 1770. Hearing of a fight between some citizens of Boston and British soldiers, Crispus boldly took lead at the front of the crowd and struck one of the British soldiers. The soldier fired and hit Attucks with two musket balls. Four other men

La Represa De Itaipu

Many children have heard of dams, but not many know what they are. This book engages young readers as it reveals the many fascinating aspects of the worlds largest dam, which was built on the border of Paraguay and Brazil.