The Imaginary Networksof Political Power
(Expand and correct this book) It has been like planting the thorny cutting of the same rosebush that has previously
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(Expand and correct this book) It has been like planting the thorny cutting of the same rosebush that has previously
Seguir leyendoEste libro explica c mo la filosof a ilustrada, la sociolog a moderna y el pensamiento cr tico se han
Seguir leyendoThroughout seven essays, Roger Bartra explores the issue of terror and otherness, as well as their consequences in contemporary society.
Seguir leyendoEn Antropología del cerebro Roger Bartra se adentra en los rincones del cerebro humano con el fin de hallar explicaciones
Seguir leyendoDe este ensayo emerge una tesis polémica: la inmadura identidad del mexicano es igual a la de un extraño y
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