
Nelly Sigaut Libros

Espacios Y Patrimonios

Este volumen Espacios y Patrimonios que se centra en el caso novohispano recoge reflexiones que hacen comprender cómo ese mundo, que fue a la vez global y local, universal y particular, ha transitado hacia, o se ha ocultado de, nosotros a través de la gestión de la memoria, de las fiestas que continúan repitiendo formas


Major edition that includes the collaboration of renowned art and history experts presenting the history of the Colegiata of Guadalupe of the Mexican Basilica, through the origin and history of the 17th century stalls of the chairs that decorated the choir, examining the historic conditions that transformed the Tepeyac sanctuary in to a collegiate church.


Major edition that includes the collaboration of renowned art and history experts presenting the history of the Colegiata of Guadalupe of the Mexican Basilica, through the origin and history of the 17th century stalls of the chairs that decorated the choir, examining the historic conditions that transformed the Tepeyac sanctuary in to a collegiate church.

Museo De Arte Colonial De Morelia

Study, inventory and catalogue of the collection of the important colonial art collection of the museum. The collections contains some of the most important works in Mexico included a 1765 painting by Miguel Cabrera. Each piece is studied in detail with an analysis of the symbolism and iconography. An excellent reference with texts by 11