
Neil T Anderson Libros

Breaking The Bondage Of Legalism

With this book you will learn: – The bondage that results from legalism: shame, guilt, pride, a critical and controlling spirit – The path of hope and liberation: knowing who you are in Christ, a true understanding of grace – The life you can now live in Him: joyful intimacy with God your Father and

Libertad En Cristo

MANUAL DEL PARTICIPANTE – El Curso de Hacer Discipulos de Libertad en Cristo es una forma sencilla y efectiva para que cualquier iglesia ayude a que cada creyente sea un discipulo libre y maduro en Cristo. Este curso de 13 semanas cubre la ensenanza basica de Libertad en Cristo de modo claro y directo. Es

La Verdad Sobre La Medicina Alternativa

SPANISH EDITION. Amid a confusing array of medical practices available today, these authors provide a challenging and informative look at health care and holistic medicine. After helping you to think more biblically about your health and alternative medicine, Dr. Neil T. Anderson and Dr. Michael Jacobson will show you how to make wise decisions about