
Nancy Harris Libros

Qué Es La Rama Legislativa Estatal?

Discover how the law-making body of state government works. Learn about state legislators and their important role in our states. Find out how laws are made, who can run for legislator, and the role citizens play in selecting our state government leaders.


Books in this series give readers an exciting tour through the world of colors. Each book uses simple, repetitive text to teach basic vocabulary and includes stunning photographs that show each color in a variety of contexts. In Blue, children can view blue rocks, flowers, stems, scales, and more!

ÀquŽ Son Las Enmiendas?

What is an amendment? How many amendments are in the US Constitution? What did the 13th Amendment accomplish? Discover the history of these important documents. Learn how amendments can be added to the US Constitution as well as the different freedoms they protect. The First Guide to Government series introduces students to the federal, state,