
Maria Eugenia Mudrovcic Libros

En La Sangre

By the end of the 19th century, successive waves of immigration had modified the booming Argentine society at a vertiginous pace, violently shaking its structures. The undesired side effects of the massive immigrant flow forced readjustments in the free-thinking, free-enterprise, liberal line of thought, pursued until then by the aristocratic but progessive ruling classes. The

Mundo Nuevo/new World

Este asedio a la vida cultural de los anos 60 arranca con una saludable falta de temor a los extremos del justo medio de cualquier ensayo-expediente: el periodismo y la literatura. Por una parte hay una astucia (y goce) para titular las secciones. El ingenio encapsula fulgurante la esencia de lo que se despliega en