
Luis Lopez Nieves Libros

Te Traigo Un Cuento

As current, far-reaching and eclectic as the works it presents, this collection showcases the diverse trends in contemporary Puerto Rican writing. Aqui y ahora brings together examples of various genres by both new and established writers who are either native to Puerto Rico or who have relocated here and come to identify entirely with the

El Silencio De Galileo

Durante más de cuatrocientos años la paternidad del telescopio, el instrumento que transformó nuestra visión del universo, ha estado en disputa. ¿Lo inventó el italiano Galileo Galilei? ¿El alemán Hans Lippershey? ¿O los holandeses Zacarías Janssen y Jacobo Metius? Una presunta descendiente de Galileo le encomienda a la doctora Ysabeau de Vassy, profesora de historia

El Corazón De Voltaire

Voltaires remains, one of the most important philosophers of the world, were profaned more than a century ago. The only part left was his heart and its kept in the National Library of France, but how can they prove that its really the great philosophers heart?