
Jose Luis Villegas Libros

Home Is Everything

Explores the unique experiences of Latin American baseball players in the Major Leagues, including Roberto Clemente, Orlando Cepeda, and Jose Santana, their struggles, disapointments, and sometimes enormous successes.

Lejos De Casa

A look at the integral relationship between baseball and the Latin American world describes how thousands of Latinos have attempted to make their childhood dreams of success as big-league baseball players into reality.

Tuve Que Aprender A Confiar En Jesús

Antes de conocer a Jesús yo vivía con ansiedad, sin sentido en la vida, pretendiendo saber vivir, sin control de mis impulsos, con un sentimiento de soledad y dependencia de querer pertenecer algo a alguien. Pero una vez que aprendí cuanto Jesús me ama y a no tenerle miedo a la razón, los impulsos ya