
Jonah Winter Libros

Frida (hc)

The companion to the authors book, Diego identifies the tragedies and suffering that Frida Kahlo overcame throughout her life by using her skill as a artist to express her pain and depression–and eventually, her joys and triumphs.

¡compórtate, Pablo Picasso!

From Jonah Winter and Kevin Hawkes (both beloved bestsellers and award winners), the story of how Pablo Picasso painted the way he wanted to paint, and left the world speechless! Pablo Picasso may have been one of the most famous artists of the 20th century, but that doesnt mean he painted what people wanted him

Sonia Sotomayor

The inspiring and timely story of Sonia Sotomayor, who rose up from a childhood of poverty and prejudice to become the first Latino to be nominated to the US Supreme Court. Before Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor took her seat in our nations highest court, she was just a little girl in the South Bronx.