
John Sims Townsend Libros


Tells how to set limits and still be a loving person, discusses mental, emotional, and spiritual boundaries, and looks at the related teachings of the Scriptures

Hiding From Love

When you experience emotional injury, fear, shame, or pride your first impulse is to hide the hurting parts of yourself from God, others, even yourself. Often youve learned these hiding patterns during childhood to protect yourself in a threatening environment. The problem is that when you hide your injuries and frailties, you isolate yourself from

Limites (boundaries

¿Está tu vida sin control? ¿siente que la gente te utiliza? ¿Le es difícil decir que no? ¿Está desilusionado con Dios por falta de respuesta a tus oraciones? Establecer límites claros es esencial para obtener un estilo de vida sano y balanceado. Un límite es un línea de propiedad personal que marca las cosas de