
John Selby Libros

Una Mente Serena

Responding to the fact that the modern-day world is overloaded with information and underappreciates mental quietude, this guide offers an easy-to-follow mind-management process to help people let go of stressful mental habits and enter a more intuitive and peaceful engagement with everyday life. Based on solid scientific research, yet presented in a very approachable tone,

Una Mente Serena

Stopping the constant chatter of the mind is it possible in todays world? People have so much to juggle, schedule, discuss, and think about, how can they slow it all down? Wont they miss out? In fact, John Selby points out that our nations thinkaholic ways result in such detrimental effects as high stress, insomnia,

La Llave Maestra

Fácil de usar, agradable de leer y de eficacia contrastada, este libro nos presenta un nuevo y revolucionario sistema basado en la Llave Maestra, que esconde el secreto de nuestra realización personal. De esta manera descubriremos nuestra fuente interna de poder para obtener éxito y prosperidad en cualquier área de la vida.¿Quieres que tus aspiraciones