
Isabel Aguera Espejo Saavedra Libros

Pedagogía Homeópatica Y Creativa

CREATIVE HOMEOPATHIC PEDAGOGY. For a humanizing, fun, joyful school?.. The author offers us in this book an innovative concept in education, what she denominates: ?homeopathic pedagogy. The educator will, as in homeopathic medicine, go on giving the necessary doses in successive therapies each day, till a total immunity that liberates one of the original problem

Curso De Creatividad Y Lenguaje

CREATIVITY AND LANGUAGE COURSE – This book is a genuine experience of all the professional life of the author. Eminently practical and simple course, indispensable for any educator who feels the need for renewal, full of original ideas, games, experiences and motivating activities, for encouragement in reading, teaching poetry, writing stories, writing and doing theatre.


LITTLE ONES – Playing and learning till 3 years of age -Children less than 3 require constant attention and very varied activity which are simple and imaginative. For this reason, it is not often easy to work with kids. The author who has a rich and extensive educative experience, uses stories, poems and simple and

Cuentos Y Teatrillos En Verde

STORIES AND SKITS IN GREEN – Environment, Ecology and other values This book which contains 14 stories and 14 theatrical scripts, is an eco-environmental project that has as objective the diffusion and sensitization of values related with environment, ecology and the protection of all the resources that surround us, in order to throw a challenge


Fourteen scripts to represent, with the only pretense of making possible the theatre in the school, from any age and from the minimum possibility. It is not needed neither a time, neither a space, neither a special budget. A source of ideas and creativity.