
Gunter Pauli Libros

Don T Eat Me Alive!

A lobster warns a shark to avoid humans who kill sharks because they believe shark cartilage will make them stronger, and the two compare the way they eat live fish and the way humans use marine animals, with a guide for teachers and parents.

El árbol Más Fuerte

A tree explains how it will become the strongest in the forest, thanks to its interaction with the other creatures that share its habitat, even the ones it finds distasteful, with a guide for teachers and parents.

La Hormiga Agricultora

The lion king is bewildered by the constant activity of the ants in his domain, so his subject the turtle gives him a lesson on the purpose behind the hard work that the ants are performing, with a guide for teachers and parents.

Champiñones Colombianos

Carlos tries to persuade a Frenchman to grow Colombian coffee in France without success, but he succumbs to the Frenchmans arguments that he grow French mushrooms in Colombia, where they do not belong, with a guide for teachers and parents.