
Food And Agriculture Organization Libros

Capacidades De Pasta Y Papel

This annual survey by the Food and Agriculture Organization is based on data received from 36 countries representing approximately 85 per cent of the world production of paper and paperboard. It includes: country tables for pulp and paper, grade tables showing volume of production capacity by country, for each product and product aggregate code, and

Fao, Informe De Pesca Y Acuicultura

The second session of the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission was attended by delegates from Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, the Republic of Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles, Somalia, the United Republic of Tanzania and Yemen. Representatives of The World Conservation Union (IUCN), the Swedish Board of Fisheries, the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (SWIOFP), the

Fao, Informe De Pesca Y Acuicultura

Lobjectif de latelier ?tait dexaminer lefficacit? des principaux instruments juridiques internationaux du secteur p?che et didentifier dautres mesures permettant daborder les facteurs de non durabilit? et de surexploitation. Ces facteurs oint ?t? identifis et discuts lors de trois ateliers organiss par la FAO depuis 2002. Ont particip? ? cet atelier r?gional des experts de lAfrique