
F Donald Logan Libros

A History Of The Church In The Middle Ages

In this fascinating survey, F. Donald Logan introduces the reader to the Christian church, from the conversion of the Celtic and Germanic peoples through to the discovery of the New World. He reveals how the church unified the people of Western Europe as they worshipped with the same ceremonies and used Latin as the language

A History Of The Church In The Middle Ages

Conceptually well organized, stylistically clear, intellectually thoughtful, and pedagogically useful. – Thomas Head, Speculum For its humane and learned approach to its enormous canvas, as well as for the cogency with which it penetrates at speed to the essentials of a vanished historical epoch, this History of the Church in the Middle Ages deserves a

Los Vikingos En La Historia

Ensayo documentado que pretende enmendar el error de pensar que los vikingos fueron unos bárbaros que amenazaron a la Europa continental. Con pruebas se destaca el papel protagónico que desempeñaron en el mapa histórico de la Edad Media.