
Elizabeth Schon Libros

Las Risas De Nuestras Medusas

Antología de obras breves de cuatro dramaturgas venezolanas, Shčon, Elisa Lerner, Mariela Romero y Lidia Febrijen en que se proyecta una nueva imagen de mujer y se revisan roles sociales y culturales. Contiene estudios sobre la importancia del teatro feminista venezolano contemporáneo –Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 58.


Juan Carlos López Quintero is the curator of this anthological exhibition of Gramckos work, covering years between her early geometric abstractions (1957) to her late informalist period (1974). Several of works selected had never been seen before. Includes complete checklist and excellent color reproductions. Catalog is complemented with an illustrated chronology by Cruz Barceló Cedeño