
Darlene Sala Libros

Creada Con Un Proposito/created For A Purpose

Darlene Salas Created for a Purpose has helped many women find their self-esteem in Gods esteem-now its available in the Spanish language. Como mujer, ?lucha usted contra sentimientos de incompetencia, inferioridad y de inutilidad? No piense que esta sola. Otras millones han enfrentado las mismas luchas que usted sobrelleva y las han vencido. Lo han

Palabras De Aliento Para Mujeres

Join the thousands of women who have been inspired and encouraged by Darlene Sala’s popular devotional, Encouraging Words for Women—now available in Spanish. In fifty-two devotional chapters, you’ll be reminded of your worth in God’s eyes, and of His affirmation, protection, and guidance, no matter your circumstances in life. Be assured that, whatever their circumstances,