
Carmen Llopis Libros

Los Derechos Humanos

Los Derechos Humanos se aprenden y se practican en la vida cotidiana. Esta obra es una construcción colectiva de un grupo de educadores y educadoras que han querido responder a la propuesta de Naciones Unidas en la que se incitaba en la década 1995-2000 a elaborar y difundir materiales y programas para que la ciudadanía

Planos Y Mapas

PLANS AND MAPS – Interdisciplinary activities to represent space – Procedural contents and techniques for the learning of space related aspects and its representation: mathematical space, geographical conceptualisation spaces, scales, orientation, direction maps and cartography, symbols and signs, projections, etc., with an interdisciplinary vision among Mathematics and Social Sciences. The use of drawings and games

Recursos Para Una Educación Global

A book that offers to the faculty, through participative methodology, rich in resources, techniques, didactic activities, etc, alternative, creative and solidary responses for the creation of a new culture and another possible world, in view of the structural violence, the growth of the fundamentalism, the xenophobic reactions and the violation of fundamental rights in general.