
Carlos Ros Libros

San Pancracio, Salud Y Trabajo

En el ránking de los santos populares, aquel adolescente romano, mártir en el siglo IV, ocupa un lugar de privilegio. Quizá no tenga mucho que ver con lo que sabemos de su vida, pero siglos de tradición popular le han pedido lo básico para los sencillos: salud y trabajo.

Santa Gema Galgani, Sufrir Con Jesús

This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular saints with short books (20-24 pages each) of attractive presentation–drawings, color, and the like–that can be read by boys and girls who wish to know their saint, or by any Christian adult who is interested

Catalina De Siena, Santa De Europa

This collection tries to bring us closer–in a simple and friendly way–to the lives of some of the more popular saints with short books (20-24 pages each) of attractive presentation–drawings, color, and the like–that can be read by boys and girls who wish to know their saint, or by any Christian adult who is interested