
Bobbie Kalman Libros

El Ciclo De Vida De La Abeja

These busy insects have intrigued people of all ages for thousands of years. The Life Cycle of a Honeybee describes each stage of a honeybees life cycle from egg to adult. Fascinating full-color photographs and easy-to-understand text will delight young readers.

Ayudantes De Mi Comunidad

This book introduces children to the important people who make our communities cleaner, safer, and better. Action shots feature people working in construction, at schools, in hospitals, fighting fires, doing police work, and volunteering. An activity asks children what kinds of things they could do to volunteer in their own communities.

¿cómo Se Esconden Los Animales?

Animals hide to avoid being eaten or to sneak up on animals they want to eat. This amazing book introduces children to some basic science concepts. Fascinating photographs feature animals that can change color, or that have different shapes and patterns, so that they can blend into their surroundings. A special section also features animals

¿qué Es El Tiempo?

This engaging book looks at human time as well as how time passes in nature. How do animals and plants sense changes in time? What changes do we see in nature throughout a day, month, and year?