
Andres Enrique Arias Libros

Sociolingüística Y Pragmática Del Español

This book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. Drawing on the research of foremost scholars in the field, Carmen Silva-Corvalán covers central concerns of variational sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, language change, and language contact, with special reference to Spanish in the United States. A thoroughly revised

Sociolingüística Y Pragmática Del Español

This thoroughly updated second edition provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, it includes revised Ejercicios de reflexión and new comprehension checks at the end of each chapter, along with numerous bibliographic references throughout, enhancing its use

Sociolingüística Y Pragmática Del Español

This book provides a clear and comprehensive overview of sociolinguistics and the pragmatics of oral communication in Spanish. It is a thoroughly updated revision of the first edition, which was published in 2001 and received critical acclaim. While maintaining the same structure as the first edition, the second edition will include revised Ejercicios de Reflexion