
Ana Eulate Libros

Ábonita Es La Vida!

Violet is a little Kenyan girl who is visited by a winged giraffe during one particularly hunger-filled night. Wanting to cheer up a hungry and dejected Violet, the giraffe takes the little girl on a flight around her country of Kenya, as well as around the entire African continent. During their journey, Violet is able

Cuerpo De Nube

Una conmovedora historia para grandes y pequeños sobre la aceptacion de las diferencias y que ayuda a afrontar la perdida de un ser querido o una mascota. A touching and sensitive story for all ages, about accepting differences and dealing with the loss of a loved one. Lexile Level: 930L

Bonita Es La Vida! = The Life Is Beautiful!

Violet is a little Kenyan girl who is visited by a winged giraffe during one particularly hunger-filled night. Wanting to cheer up a hungry and dejected Violet, the giraffe takes the little girl on a flight around her country of Kenya, as well as around the entire African continent. During their journey, Violet is able

çguila Que Camina

The boy with the feather headdress told stories without saying a word. The boy whose legs formed the shape of a heart communicated with that special language that comes from within. With his hands, his face, his smile and his eyes, he could communicate everything his listeners needed to hear. His tales awoke deep emotions,

çguila Que Camina

The boy with the feather headdress told stories without saying a word. The boy whose legs formed the shape of a heart communicated with that special language that comes from within. With his hands, his face, his smile and his eyes, he could communicate everything his listeners needed to hear. His tales awoke deep emotions,