Descargar Libro: Scenes, Graffiti In Barcelona


Resumen del Libro

This book is the result of Alberto Scholzs desire to photograph graffiti as an insider, rather than an outsider looking in. His aim is not purely to document but to photograffiti, and that demands he be part of the action. His technique is one of total control, of premeditated intent – and it shows. One sequence, for example, shot in Barcelonas underground, was possible only because someone on a train pulling into a station hit the emergency lever and blocked the doors. It was an utterly calculated action, allowing just enough time to graffiti and photograffiti from the platform before the doors were released. Scholzs photos draw the viewer in using a method that is effectively double pronged: you not only get involved with the visuals, you feel part of the action. Introduction by Joaquim Ruiz Millet, director of H20 Gallery und author of No Me Rayes.

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