
Reflexologia Holistica

The Human body is holographic, which means that each part of the body holds information of the whole. It happens wit the feet, because they aret are an energetic mirror of the whole body. Energetically, this is explained by the fact that the feet

Matemáticas 3

Matemáticas 3, segunda edición, aborda conocimientos básicos sobre geometría analítica y su aplicación a la vida cotidiana. Algunos de los temas generales que se incluyen son los siguientes: lugares geométricos, segmentos rectilíneos y polígonos, la recta como lugar geométrico, circunferencia, parábola, elipse. • El

El Regreso

Jojos back from jail, and people are tense and afraid all over again. They wonder if his friends will start showing up again. They wonder if theyll be walking down the street one day and theyll run into Jojo and Jojo will give them