
Música Libros

Patrones De Ritmo Y Compass / Rhythm & Meter Patterns

Patterns is one of the most comprehensive drum methods available. Covering a wide range of materials, the books can be used in any order, or in any combination with one another. They are a must for developing the kinds of skills necessary for drumset performance. Rhythm and Meter Patterns introduces the student to a wide

Voces En El Tiempo

The narrative voice in this short novel about family values does not indicate how those values can be complicated by the subjectivity of friendship, solidarity, and patriotic love of the land. Although Aunt Nice and the grandmother play a significant role in the narrators life, the novels six parts are ruled, in every sense, by

La Sinfonía De La Libertad

Esta obra ofrece una gran panorámica de la música política de todos los tiempos, compositores e intérpretes. Si eres amante de la música, disfrutarás con esta faceta de Antoni Batista en un viaje inédito por el arte de los sonidos. Mozart hizo política. Beethoven es el legado de la Revolución Francesa a la Unión Europea.

La Música Del Renacimiento

Completo panorama de la evolución y los géneros de la música del Renacimiento, situado dentro de su contexto histórico-cultural, que se complementa con una serie de apartados de índole eminentementepráctica sobre cómo interpretar un documento o editar una partitura de la época.

Leerse Los Gatos

These stories deal with the fictionality of literature. Their characters exist in a continuum of reality-fiction with no clear divide between the two, as in Agnus Rey, set in the times of Alexander the Great, or Guerrero árabe, which occurs in medieval times. Chirinos fascination with language and its relative inability to represent reality is