Descargar Libro: Morgante

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Now in paperback! Morgante The Epic Adventuresof Orlando and His Giant Friend Morgante Luigi Pulci Translated byJoseph Tusiani Introduction and Notes by Edoardo A.L bano Pulcis Morgante is a multilayered text… so rich inwitticisms, ribaldry, and word games that it has defied accurate rendering intoEnglish. Tusiani, an experienced and effective translator and poet, has met thechallenge with a fluid contemporary version, effectively conveying the tempo of theoriginal as well as its comic verve. — F. A. Bassanese, Choice Luigi Pulci, with Joseph Tusianis translation and EdoardoA. L banos commentary, has entered the pantheon of Italian epic poetry translatedinto English thus far infabited only by his three Italian followers: Matteo MariaBoiardo, Ludovico Ariosto, and Torquato Tasso. — Dino S. Cervigni, ItalianQuarterly A reference work that no scholar of the ItalianRenaissance can afford to ignore. L bano has done justice to Tusianis text andTusiani has done justice to Pulcis masterpiece. — Gaetano Cipolla, AnnalidItalianistica A classic picaresque epic detailing the thrillingexploits of Orlando, Morgante is a tale of war and of the calamities that befall theromantic hero, his fellow knights, and their sovereign, Charlemagne. Orlandoencounters the fierce Morgante and converts him, the giant then becomes his squireand trusted companion. This long-awaited annotated Englishtranslation will lead to a new appreciation of Luigi Pulcis singular epicmasterpiece and a reassessment of the authors influence on modern Englishliterature. Luigi Pulci (1432–1484) has been called the firstRomantic poet after Dante. Admired by Lord Byron, Pulci was a major influence on theEnglish Romantic poets. He was born in Florence to a noble family and was a memberof the literary circle of his friend Lorenzo de Medici. JosephTusiani is Distinguished Service Professor (retired) at The City University of NewYork. His other translations include The Complete Poems of Michelangelo,…