Descargar Libro: La Vida Buena

Resumen del Libro
A través de historias fascinantes de la vida real, que muestran las filosofías por las que las personas viven y persiguen la buena vida, Chuck Colson explora los asuntos del placer, la felicidad y satisfacción y cómo las personas los logran. Entreteje historias de la vida real de personas que viven dedicados a buscar su felicidad y las yuxtapone con gente común luchando por servir a otros y buscar a Dios. La vida buena está escrito en un estilo accesible y amigable y, en esencia, muestra un punto de vista cristiano sobre lo que define la buena vida. Sharing from his own life, as well as the stories of others, Chuck Colson exposes the counterfeits of the good life and leads readers to the only true source of meaning and purpose, Jesus Christ. But he does that in an unusual way, allowing powerful stories to illustrate how people have lived out their beliefs in ways that either satisfy or leave them empty. Colson addresses seekers—people looking for the truth. He shows through stories that the truth is knowable and that the truly good life is one that lives within the truth. Through the book, readers get to understand their own stories and find answers to their own search for meaning, purpose, and truth.