Descargar Libro: La Reencarnacion De Los Dioses: Mitopoesis En La Narrativa De Horacio Quiroga Y Adolfo Bioy Casares

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The purpose of this research is to analyze a sample of works written by Horacio Quiroga and Adolfo Bioy Casares under the rubric of mythopoesis, or the re-creation of myths. First, this work examines what myths Quiroga and Casares use to build their tales. Second, it compares how the original myth evolves in the modernist stories of Quiroga, and how the myth changes in Bioy Casares postmodern narrative. It investigates the use of the myth of Prometheus in the novels El hombre artificial, written by Quiroga, and La invencion de Morel, written by Bioy Casares. The short stories Juan Darien and Moscas y aranas are also analyzed to compare the myths of the witch and the wolf man. The research revealed that, though the mythical characters retain their essential personalities and basic characteristics, both authors transformed them to include ideas taken from their own historical, social and religious backgrounds. The texts are analyzed with reference to the study of the collective unconscious of the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, and studies in mythopoesis by critics such as Harry Slochower and Mircea Eliade.