Descargar Libro: La Memoria Del Espejo Volumen 5 Poemas/ The Memory Of The Mirror Volume 5 Poems

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(…) I must say that this book (and disk in the first edition) is the result of two years of reflection and maturation, but that its genesis, its booster, traces back to a decade ago, to the days in which I climbed the hills of the Andean Mountains, in the frontier between Bolivia and Argentina, when I was doing an investigative report about those peasants whose job was to cut the salt leafs, at heights as much as 4500 meters above sea level, dried residue of an old sea enclosed in geologic times, when the earth was growing, indefinitely, towards the sky, and was raising an entire sea between its arms of mountains, in a spectacle that is not within the reach of human time and imagination. (…) Thus was I going through those mountains, as I was saying, with the sight lost in the horizon’s crystalline line, with the secret intuition of having crossed the threshold of a new vision, of having found the sudden and flashing bond of odd facts, lengthily meditated in previous years. There are times in which chances shows us the vivid face of our thoughts, the driving thread of our dreams. (…) Yo, aquel día en un pueblo del Altiplano de los Andes, vivificado por el color y la música de la gente, comprendí que la vida se teje con los hilos del azar, pero que los puentes entre los hombres se hacen con hilos de palabras, que enlazan los corazones en parábolas lejanísimas, alentadas al vuelo por una música que se encuentra en todos nosotros, y que nos alimenta y nos acompaña siempre. Yo quise en este trabajo de poemas y música, traerles a ustedes el silencio de las alturas, retener para el futuro un acorde, el rumor del viento por las alamedas, una voz y unas líneas escritas, un pensar. (…) Dedico con humildad este trabajo de poemas y música a los paisanos de Jujuy, de La Pampa, de Bolivia, a los paisanos de la Meseta Eterna Castellana, y a Juan Larrea y a César Vallejo, a su fraternal concepción de nuestra cultura. Y a todos los caminantes de sueños por un …