Descargar Libro: Grafitos Coloniales

Resumen del Libro
An extensive documented research of the colonial graffiti left behind (probably by the monks) all over the walls of the former Augustinian convent of the town of Tiripetío (p̓urepecha word for Place of Gold ), a 16th century monastic complex now part of the UMSNH. Dr. Pablo Ozcáriz Gil from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid comments on the present edition I don̓t have the slightest doubt that the historic graffiti of the convent of Tiripetío (Michoacán) and the work the reader has in its hands are a major historic source that represent an exceptional study about the series of colonial drawings, inedited till now and that represent a contribution to the iconography of the period. Besides, this is a referential work on how to conduct the work on historic graffiti — Verso cover.