
Fotografia Libros

Perón Y Evita, Memoria íntima

Hay una memoria histórica que no está en los libros. Porque es afecto, sensibilidad, devoción profunda, lo entrañable mismo. Es una memoria que se transmite en el gesto cotidiano y no en la palabra escrita. Memoria de clase, de esquina, de feria callejera, de afecto, memoria de dolor ajeno y de necesidad imperiosa de los

La Imagen Como Fábrica

Este trabajo recoge la obra de una serie de creadores y creadoras que tienen la fotografía como soporte habitual de su creación, en algunos casos, y otros que se mueven en diferentes medios dependiendo de cuál sea su discurso. La fotografía contemporánea tiene un enorme potencial para contar historias y transmitir diferentes asuntos, para indagar,

Rodrigo Moya

Life and professional career of photographer Moya considered one of the giants of the development of photojournalism in Mexico, particularly during the 70 year authoritarian regime of the political party PRI. Moya combined a sense of social and political journalism with a high artistic value in his photographs, obtaining a balance practiced only by Tina

Cellina Von Mannstein: Imperfect

This collection from Cellina von Mannstein finds the beauty in flawed and funky situations. Her freewheeling images celebrate decadent excess as well as the aesthetics of disorder and confusion. Before taking up fine art and fashion photography, von Mannstein worked in film. Her compositions hold your attention and are compellingly real. For her, telling a

Belonging To The Land

The book presents the life of the communities of the Chaco region in the Argentine north, through the images of photographer Pablo Lasansky. The black and white photographs are the result of two years of work with communities of the Wichi. Toba, and Chorate peoples, organized in the Lhaka Honhat Association of Native Communities. The