
Fotografia Libros


No other region of France has been a greater source of inspiration to writers and artists than Provence. Its herb-scented hills and vivid landscapes, all of which seem to be bathed in perpetual sunlight and surrounded by water, have fired the imaginations of the likes of Van Gogh, Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Marcel Pagnol

Fotografía Pública

From its inception, photography has been both a medium of documentation and of artistic creation. However, it did not acquire its standing as a large-scale reproducible and publishable art until the interwar period of this century, when the work of artists and publishers contributed to the creation of an international style. Photography, photomontage, and the

The Spirit Of Buddha

Robin Kyte-Coles a parcouru lAsie à la recherche dimages du Bouddha et de symboles du bouddhisme. Ce périple esthétique la conduit dans des régions isolées du Viêtnam, du Laos, du Cambodge, de la Thaïlande, de la Birmanie, du Népal, de lInde et du Sri Lanka. Prises Ie plus souvent sans flash, ses photographies sont envoûtantes