Descargar Libro: Estado Y Futuro Del Derecho Económico Internacional En América Latina. I Conferencia Bianual De La Red Latinoamericana De Derecho Económico Internaciona


Resumen del Libro

This essay is a reflection on the process of writing the first and second draft of the Literature Review chapter in the seminar of Academic Writing, involving peer-feedback and teacher feedback with a group of twelve in-service English teachers in their first year of the Masters Program in Education with Emphasis on English Didactics. The teachers write their Literature Review chapter under the guidance of the instructors of the seminars Language Teaching Methodology, Research I and II, Materials Development, and Academic Writing. The reflection is supported by theoretical considerations that shed light on the practical tasks in the course of Academic Writing. Similarly, I evaluate where we are in the process, articulate concerns and envision future directions to improve the process of academic writing. Judith Castellanos Jaimes is a full-time professor for the Masters Program in Education with Emphasis on English Didactics at Universidad Externado de Colombia. She holds an M.A. in Applied Linguistics to the teaching of English as a Foreign Language from Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, a Diploma in Teaching Assistantship from Ursinus College, Collegeville in USA, and a B.A. in Language Teaching from Universidad Industrial de Santander. She is a scholarship holder of for the Advanced International Training Program on Child Rights Classroom and School Management at Lund University in Sweden. She has published in indexed journals like The Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, HOW, A Colombian Journal for English Teachers, and PROFILE, Issues in Teachers Professional Development. She has also participated as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal and HOW, A Colombian Journal for Teachers of English. She has experience in the field of EFL materials as an editor and an author.

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