Descargar Libro: Environmental Reconstruction In Mediterranean Landscape Archaeology

Resumen del Libro
Contents include: Introduction ( K Walsh ), Palynology ( S Bottema ), A database for the palynological recording of human activity ( V Andrieu, E Brugiapaglia, R Cheddadi, M Reille and J-L de Beaulieu ), The contribution of anthracology ( J-L Vernet ), Dendroclimatology ( F Guibal ), Techniques in Landscape Archaeology ( A G Brown ), Lapport de la micromorphologie des sols ( N Fedoroff ), Reconstructing past soil environments ( R S Shiel ), The Geochemistry of Soil Sediments ( D D Gilbertson and J P Grattam ), Searching the Ports of Troy ( E Zanagger, M Timpson, S Yazvenko and H Leiermann ), The pontine region in central Italy ( P Attema, J Delvigne and B J Haagsma ), Population pressure on agricultural resources in Karstic landscapes ( P Novacovic, H Simoni and B Music ), La Pianura padana centrale tra il Bronzo Medio ed il Bronzo finale ( M Cremaschi ), The ancient ports of Marseille and Fos, Provence, southern France ( C Vella, C Morhange and M Provansal ), The evolution of field systems in the middle Rhone valley ( J-F Berger and C Jung ), La linea de Costa en epoca historica en el Golfo de Valencia ( P Carmona ), The Vallee des Baux, Southern France ( P Leveau ), The etang de Berre, southern France ( F Trement ), Geoarchaeology in mediterranean landscape archaeology ( G Barker and J Bintliff ).