Descargar Libro: El Teatro Puertorriqueno: Choque, Resistencia Y Negociacion Linguistica Del Espanol De Puerto Rico


Resumen del Libro

The goal of this dissertation was to investigate the correlation between Puerto Rican Spanish and Puerto Rican Theatre. Both aspects of the Puerto Rican culture have gone through a historical process that has created, transformed and shaped what we called today Puerto Rican Spanish and Theatre. The relation between Puerto Rico and the United State has an important role in the journey of these Puerto Rican cultural aspects. This dissertation consists of an analysis of ten theatre plays written from 1938 to 2002, by Puerto Rican and Nuyorican playwrights. Since this is a project that involves the analysis of two different disciplines, theatre and language, it has been necessary to approach the topic with a variety of theories as a framework. To analyze the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States we have used the theories of Albert Memmi, Umberto Eco, Yuri Lotman and Jorge Duany. In terms of theatre theories, we used the works of Juan Villegas and Paul Bouissac. Finally, to analyze the use and role of language by the playwrights we used applied linguistics as a tool.

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