Descargar Libro: El Credo

Resumen del Libro
Hosffman Ospino, a leading authority on Hispanic ministry in the United States, offers a short, accessible introduction to the Creed. Written in Spanish for Hispanic Catholics in the United States, El Credo explains the importance of the Creed, our faith in the Blessed Trinity, and how the Creed is central to the life of the Church. El Credo is an invitation to journey into the beauty, truth, and depth of the Catholic faith presented in the Creed through the experience of being a Hispanic Catholic in the United States. Using both the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed, Hosffman Ospino, professor of theology and religious education at Boston College and author of the definitive study Hispanic Ministry in Catholic Parishes, offers five brief chapters that explain faith and revelation, belief in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and the Creed in the practice of the Church. The book will help Hispanic Catholics understand the Creed and apply it to their own spiritual lives and ministry with others. El Credo is a valuable and much-needed resource in the formation of Hispanic lay ministers in variety of pastoral activities, especially catechists and those involved in the work of evangelization. Among the features of the book are a clear summary of ten affirmations of faith about the Trinity, a basic explanation of what it means to say that Jesus is truly human and truly divine, a review of how popular images of Mary such as Our Lady of Guadalupe or Our Lady of Charity of Cobre help us understand her role in the life of Christ and our own, and a description of how the Via Crucis devotion deepens an appreciation of salvation and redemption. Summary points and questions suitable for personal reflection and group discussion are provided at the end of each chapter. The book is available only in Spanish.