Descargar Libro: Efectos Socio Económicos Y Espaciales De La Crisis Industrial Y El Proceso De Reestructuración En La Comarca De San Sebastián (donostialdea)


Resumen del Libro

In the last quarter of the twenty century the region of San Sebastian has experienced an intense readaptation process of their productive structures, mainly industrials, due to the requirements imposed by the new tecno-economic context identified as the Third Industrial Revolution. The aim of this phD research is carrying out a careful study of the social, economic and specifically spatial impact associated to this change process in and old and dense manufacturing area, belonging to one of the regions most seriously affected by the industrial crisis and productive reestructuration, that is the case of the Basque Country, On the other hand, we try to show how, without neglecting certain conditions, the area of San Sebatian has developed from being part of sloping industrial area of the Basque Country (1988) to become one space with huge possibilities to adapt and adopt the innovation and technological change. This has allowed its identification as a potential innovative environment, in the sense of a development with dynamics and working patterns similar to those spaces that, facing the challenges imposed by the globalitation and technical change, have adopted a receptive and positive attitude. With this attitude in mind, the territorial features and specially their valorization by the public agents in conjunction with the strategies developed by the private companies have been a decisive factor in their ability to recover and adapt to the new context.

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