
Documento N. 1 Del Deslinde De Tierras En Yaxkukul, Yuc


Resumen del Libro

Contains transcriptions of two Maya mss. with parallel Spanish translations, the first (now in the INAH), called Documento del deslinde de las tierras de Yaxkukul no. 1, is signed by Alonso Pech and others and dated Apr. 30, 1544 [i.e. 1554?], the other (previously published in Cronica de Yaxkukul / Juan Martinez Hernandez. 1926), called Documento del deslinde de tierras en Yaxkukul no. 2, is signed by Ah-Macan Pech and others and dated May 8, 1544 [i.e. 1554?].

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