Descargar Libro: Deprimida? Ungete De Gozo!


Resumen del Libro

La depresion es un tema imprescindible de abordar. No es un secreto que las mujeres tienen la tendencia a dejarse llevar por estados depresivos. Esto se debe en parte a las distintas etapas y ciclos que se operan en ellas. En este libro la autora aporta con amor muchas sugerencias practicas y biblicas para ayudar a la mujer hispana a conquistar la depresion. [Depression is a topic that is unavoidable. It is not a secret that many women have the tendency to suffer from depression during their lives. This is due, in part, to the different stages and cycles that women go through during their changing lives. In this book the author shares her advice with caring and practical suggestions and biblical wisdom to help the Hispanic woman conquer her depression.]

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